Central Wilkes Middle School

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Parents » PTSO


The Central Wilkes Middle School PTSO (Parent, Teacher, Student Organization) is a critical support organization for our student body and staff. The members work hard by organizing fund raising activities that provide funds to supplement the school's instructional supplies budget which helps provide funds for incentives for students, reading materials and other classroom supplies. Members work on different committees such as school beautification, school volunteers, or fundraising.

Please consider joining our PTSO and be a part of a group of parents and community members helping Central Wilkes Middle School help every student to be successful. If you are not a member and would like to become one, or if you would like to be considered for an office, please contact our principal, Jeffrey Johnson, at [email protected]

If you are not a volunteer and would like to become one please contact our school for information on volunteering. You may also click on the links below for forms that must be filled out and turned in to the school before you will be allowed to volunteer at the school. Please check out the following page on the Wilkes County Schools website:
