Falcon Family,
To meet the academic requirements for a remote learning day, each student should choose one assignment per subject from their grade level team choice boards. To access the assignments, you can click on the grade level folder below, find your assigned teachers, and then click on the subject area choice boards that pertain to your schedule. All assignments must be submitted or returned to your homeroom teacher within five days of returning to in-person instruction.
6th Grade Link
7th Grade Link
8th Grade Link
In order to meet the attendance requirement, all students should attend a Zoom session at 9am OR 1pm, email their homeroom teacher, utilize the PBIS Rewards App or Remind App to communicate with the homeroom teacher, or call the school at 336-667-7453. You can find the Zoom sessions in your homeroom teacher's Canvas page. The zoom sessions offer support for the assignments. No new material or direct instruction will be introduced during a Zoom session on a remote learning day.
The following teachers will not be available via Zoom today. Students can follow up to receive credit in their classes when they return to school.
Anita Wingler
Dianne Price (email Ms. House at [email protected] or check her Canvas page to attend her Zoom session at 9 or 1pm)
Julie Carter
Courtney Parris
Jennifer Joines
Assignments for the day can be found in the grade level links above and the link to the Zoom room can be found in your HOMEROOM TEACHER'S Canvas page.
We hope each of you are safe, and we look forward to seeing you all when we return to school.
Mr. Ebenezer Lancerio