Central Wilkes Middle School

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Supply Lists » Mrs. Joines' Room 403 Supply List

Mrs. Joines' Room 403 Supply List

School Year: 2024-2025

Grades: 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade

Classes: Mrs. Joines

Here is our class wish list. If there is anything you would like to donate, we would be very appreciative. Thank you for all you do. This is going to be a wonderful year. Sincerely, Your EC Team Central Wilkes Middle School.


  • 1
    Box(es) of Facial Tissues (Optional)
    (Wish List)
  • 1
    Box(es) of Ziploc® brand Storage Bags, Gallon Size (Optional)
    (Wish List)
  • 1
    Box(es) of Ziploc® brand Storage Bags, Quart Size (Optional)
    (Wish List)
  • 1
    Dryer Sheets (Optional)
    (Wish List)
  • 1
    Laundry Detergent (Optional)
    (Wish List)
  • 1
    Package(s) of Baby Wipes (Optional)
    (Wish List)
  • 1
    Snacks, Box(es)
    (Wish List) If there is ever a time that you would like to provide a snack for the students, here are a few suggestions: Yogurt, Pudding, Applesauce, Graham crackers, Goldfish, Fruit Loops, Apple Jacks, Honey Nut Cheerios